Freelancer Log

by Merenel



Merenel Log is a free app made by a consultant for consultants. If you are working for multiple companies and you need to track your work and make invoices at the of the month, this app will make it way easier and faster.- Add your client companies- Add one or more work types or work tags (remote, in office, business trip...)- Check in and check out from client companies when you start or end to work for them- Add the projects you are working on or the tasks you have carried out during the day- Add the breaks you take as they are not counted as work (coffee breaks, lunch breaks, other client call...)- Edit at your liking times and activities of old records if you forgot something- Add a new entry if you totally forgot to record a day- See a clear recap of your days of work for each month- DOWNLOAD on your phone an Excel file that is your time report with all the activities, the work tags (remote, in office), the hours you have works divided between the different projects and the total of hours you have worked for that company. Just multiply that for your fares and get paid.The directors of the companies you work for and the people who are paying you for your work will be very happy in seeing such detailed and organised time reports and they will definitely pay you for your hard work.